23/24 Summary PPG report




You Said & We Did

Core Issue 1


The ppg wanted the practice to keep communication lines open by feeding back relevant and important information regarding new staff , new services, workshops, awareness days , and upcoming events

  • At the previous PPG the practice kept communication lines open by regularly updating the TV system which communicates important changes to the wider practice population.
  • Introductions of new staff were taken to the PPG meetings throughout the year including new reception staff, the Lead Administrator as well as the Physicians associate who attended the meeting on 20/20/2024
  • A workshop was set up with the support of the PPG for Diabetes as this was the largest  complex long term health conditions list at the practice.

Core Issue 2

Access to services

The PPG often made telephone enquiries or came to the practice just to ask what days certain members of staff worked . With so many services available it was difficult to feed this back to patients.

  • The practice decided to create a newsletter that fed back to the PPG and wider practice population the details of how to access all the services and clinics run by health professionals at the practice.
  • The newsletter comprehensively included all the names of clinicians as well as their working days at IMC / WW. This was well received by the PPG.
  • The practice made this information available by posters put up in the waiting room as well as the TV call in system.    

Core Issue 3

Monitoring Service Delivery

The PPG members were interested in hearing how the practice monitors service delivery. They wanted the practice to find out the views from our practice population with a view to improving patient experience via themes from complaints, surveys, reviews  and PPG feedback.

  • Throughout the year, the practice fed back to the PPG the following information: 
    • Friends and family test results, results of the patient experience data , Comparison of local GP sites data,  
    • The practice also took part in a national program called GPIP (General Practice Improvement Programme) which was ran by NHS England. This course was set up for every practice in the country in order to analyse issues with a view to improving services and patient care to move to a more  modern practice.